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Struggling with self-doubt and lack of confidence?

I help millennials who are struggling with self-doubt and lack of confidence in their career or relationship.

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From self-doubt to self-confidence


It can be tough to navigate the ups and downs of life, especially when you’re feeling uncertain about yourself in a relationship or doubt your abilities at your workplace.

But the good news is, there’s a solution that can help. The SHIFT program is designed specifically for millennials struggling with self-doubt, lack of confidence, and a lack of direction in their career and relationships.

You’ll learn how to switch from a mindset that holds you back to one that supports you, discover your true strengths and passions, envision your ideal career and relationship, focus on what you want, and experience transformation through empowered thoughts and actions.

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Hi, I’m Cynthia Pinga

My personal journey of transformation started when i picked up my very first non-fiction book from my local library.

When I was young, very often my mother would send me to the local library, developing my love for books. About the age of 17 or 18, I switched from the fiction to the non-fiction section and discovered a book that I never knew would change my life forever: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.



Mary’s Story

Mary was a recent college graduate who had landed her dream job at a top consulting firm. She was intelligent, hard-working, and dedicated, but she still found herself struggling with self-doubt and anxiety. Every day, she questioned whether she was good enough, whether she deserved to be there. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was an imposter.

This self-doubt spilled over into her personal life, as she found herself unable to maintain healthy relationships.  She tended to view herself in a negative light and often believed that she wasn’t good enough for his partner. She felt like she didn’t deserve better and was resigned to settling for less. Due to her lack of self-confidence and negative thinking, Mary developed a pattern of failed relationships where she and her partners would end up in a heartbreak.

Do you often feel like your self doubt and lack of confidence holding you back to progress in your career or relationship?

Could you relate to Mary’s story?

Are you often in similar situations:

  • Feeling a lack of confidence and having the beliefs “I am not good enough”, “I am undeserving” or “I am not lovable”?
  • Can’t put yourself confidently out there because you fear rejection or what other people may say?
  • Find yourself jumping from one relationship to another?

Have you ever noticed how different-colored sunglasses can change how we see the world? When we wear blue-tinted lenses, everything looks blue, and we might miss the reds, oranges, and yellows. Similarly, the way we view ourselves and our lives can be filtered through a certain mindset or perspective,  limiting our potential and possibilities. This mindset can create a negative cycle of self-doubt and lack of confidence, which further limits our potential. 

That’s where the SHIFT program comes in – to help you shift your mindset, and empower you to create positive change in your life.


Who is this for?

People who want to feel good at their job
People who are seeking a stable, loving and long-lasting relationship
People who are open-minded and willing to test new things.
People who are ready to commit to improving their life.
People who are seeking personal growth and want to develop a positive, confident mindset

Who is this NOT for?

People who want a résumé makeover
People who want to get their ex back
People who are not willing to take responsibility for their life.
People who are not ready to commit himself/herself.
People who think that things will get better without them changing something.

What to Expect

The SHIFT program is designed specifically to help millennials who struggle with self-doubt and lack of confidence in their job or relationship.

It has 5 core elements which we will walk you through, giving you a taste of what to expect when you embark on this program.

Switch from a mindset that is preventing you from your dream job and ideal partner to a mindset that supports you.

Learn to switch from a limiting mindset to one that empowers you to reach your full potential.
We’ll identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and help you replace them with positive and empowering ones.

Discover your true strengths, passion and principles that allows you to be happy at your career or relationship

We’ll work on developing a healthy self-image and building your self-confidence. With a healthy mindset, you can approach challenges with confidence and resilience.

Envision your ideal career and relationship

We’ll work on creating a mental blueprint for the future you want to create, based on the principle that all things are created twice.

Focus on the things that you want, not on the things that you don’t want

By shifting your focus, you’ll be able to attract more of what you want into your career and relationship.

Experience transformation with empowered thoughts and proactive actions in place

With the SHIFT program, you’ll be able to create positive change in your life and achieve the career and relationship that you deserve when you implement new habits and ways of thinking.

The SHIFT program includes tools and techniques to help you develop a positive, growth-oriented mindset creating sustainable changes in your life, leading to long-term growth and fulfillment.

Ready to finally tackle those self-doubt and confidence issues in your career or relationship?

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